Ifugao Word

Ifugao Word

Friday, September 9, 2016


Hi Ambet
(Ifugao Tuwali version)

Hi Ambet munbubuyya
La’lato na hi kaungana
Hi habal di malutlutabbong an latung
Itab, aba, ya balatung
Ninomnom nay alyon inana
“Ipiphod mun muntudo’ ya munbaha
Te naligligat di munbalballangya”
Naunud di intugun inana
Nipapto’ met peman di adalna
Mu adwani ya abu ot ahi hiya umanamut
Te hi siyudad di awadan di ngunu an ningamut
Napnuan hi amamlong hi inana
Te nadngol di intugutuguna
Mu nan habal ya kumanoga
Te maid moy Ambet an mamallangya

(A  translation in English)

Ambet was viewing memories
Pictures from her childhood
On the farm that thrives with beans
Beans, yam and mongoes
She  remembered what her mother told her
“Do well with your writing and reading
For it is more difficult to hold the trowel”
What her mother told her was followed
She finished her degree in college
But it is only now that she came home
For it is only in the city where she could work
Her mother was filled with joy
For what she dreamt came true
But the farm keeps on crying

For there is no Ambet to till the soil