Ifugao Word

Ifugao Word

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Huhhuwa: Music from the rice stem

Growing up in the barrio, the making of a huhuwwa was one of our simple joy.  The huhhuwa is made from the stem of the rice plant crafted to produce sound.  At times, it would be devised just like the tungngali (flute) to make it more musical.  It is not really intended to last long as the stem is expected to wither.  So a huhuwwa is a temporary amusement.

The huhhuwa

There is a verse that we used to recite while crafting it as if it were a prayer necessary to produce the sound.  The verse is as follows.

Dudduk, dudduk! Bayyatuk!
Tumkuk a't umiyag a
Ta donglon nan gayyaman
Ad Dukliggan-igan-igan!

Deyya nan algo'n natulittuliggonggong,

Baklung, gumangoh a.


I shall pierce in, pierce in, Bayyatuk!
Shout and yell
So you will be heard by the centipede
In Dukligan-igan-igan!

There is the sun that is round,

Baklung, sound off now!]

The last time I went for a vacation in our barrio, I saw kids still playing with the huhhuwa.  That, I think was a good thing.  Not all the playthings are bought!  But they are not already reciting the verse.  Well, it was really unnecessary.  But I could this be indicative of a general decline in the use of the native language or say a disinterest in indigenous literature much so a meaningless verse such this recited in the making of the huhhuwa?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Nan habal ya hi Ambet

Nan habal ya hi Ambet

Hi Ambet munbubuyya
La’lato na hi kaungana
Hi habal, awadan di latung
Itab, aba, ya balatung
Ninomnom nay alyon inana
“Ipiphod mun muntudo’ ya munbaha
Te naligat mahtu’y mangdon hi ballangya”
Naunud di intugun inana
Nipapto’ met peman di adalna
Mu adwani ya abu’y ena immanamutan
Te hi siyudad ya abuy awadan di pi’ngunuwan
Napnuan hi amamlong hi inana
Te nadngol di intugutuguna
Mu nan payo ya munluluwa
Te maid moy Ambet an mamallangya

The farm and Ambet

Ambet was viewing memories
Pictures from her childhood
On the farm that thrives with veggies
Native beans, yam and mongoes
She remembers what her mother  always said
“Do well with your writing and reading
For it is hard work to hold a trowel”
She followed her words
And went on to finish college
But she was home only now
For work is only in the city
Her mother was filled with joy
For her dreams for her child came true
But the farm is filled with tears
For there is no Ambet to take care of her