Ifugao Word

Ifugao Word

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Limericks an Nalpu hi Muyung (Limericks from the forest)

Note: This set of limericks were also read in the Panagbenga Poetry Reading as part of UP Baguio's Rambak Sining on February 20, 2014.  A rough English translation by the author is at the last part of this article.

Gayyum-uh, gayyummu, gayyumna
Munayayyam tauh’ gayumma
Nan nipa’en hinlahing
Hamaon di nalaing
Mih'lam mu mahama’ damdama

Ifugao Name: Gayumma

Maadiyan di umipaaminul an balangbang
Te hinan muyung ya dinaladalan di inolwang
Mu adi iwili
Ta ume ihubli
Hi naarkusan an bale an balolandah’ nuwang

Maphod an tigtiggon nan babayong hinan buktayon
Pohdopohdonan lani’lioodon, hanobhobboon
Mu adi umiagu
Hi inagang di tagu
Hiya nan bokon hidiye di e hawahawangon

Ifugao Name: Buktayyon
Bumunga hi ay mihamihanglag
Tun maallutlutabbong an tanglag
Mu magabut
Te humabut
Hi mitanom hi tanud di holag

Ibabbalen di uungay kababbuy
Punbalinon da hi dakol an babuy
In-inop ad uwani
Mu hana ’tun mangali

Puniyanamutyu ayay ginuyguy
Ifugao Name: Kababbuy.  The young rolled up leaves are played by village kids as 'pigs" in thie babbale (bahay-bahayan).  

My friend, your friend, his friend
Let’s play the gayumma game
A bit of it we hide
For the clever to find
Disguised but will nevertheless be discovered

Rejected is the relished balangbang
For in the forest, floodwaters stream through it
But it is not thrown away
For it is for sale
In the decorated house, it’s valued like cattle
Ifugao name: Balangbang

It’s nice to behold the bee on the buktayyon
It loves to fly around and creep to it deep
But it doesn’t ease
Hunger of people
It is not worth looking for it all day

It bears fruit that seemingly can be roasted
This flourishing stalks of tanglag
But it would be cut
So it won’t choke
What’s been planted to feed the family
Ifugao Name: Tanglag.  This is a cogon-like grass.

The children got kababbuy in their playhouse
Making them into a lot of pig toys
That’s dream today
And may in the future
They bring home the true innards

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